Tuesday, September 7, 2010 once, i wished for my boyfriend to be the best of all worlds. to do everything to make me happy and loved. but i realised i have to be realistic. so now my only wish is my boyfriend to understand me and be always there for me. as simple as this. i dont need any surprises, i dont need any presents, i dont need anything. but i just want him to be there. but i guess im putting too high a hope. im sorry i dont have a nice boyfriend. im sorry i dont have a sweet and warm family. im sorry i dont have true friends who understands me. im sorry i dont have the brains to excel in my studies. im sorry my life is going haywire. im sorry im just a bitch. all i ever wanted is to just be happy. but what really is happiness? can i ever reach it? or.. will it ever come to me? i'm struggling to find the meaning to life. yet, i dont have the courage to just die. I'm sorry that I'm not worth your love. I'm sorry that you can't love me that much to change. I'm sorry I'm always a burden. BUT I'M HURT, REALLY HURT Friday, September 3, 2010 I'm sorry I'm not good enough for you. I'm sorry if I'm an embarrassment to you. I'm sorry I'm not the girl whom you can stand up and say she is mine. what is love? Wednesday, July 14, 2010 As I watched my friends break with their boyfriends, get new boyfriends and is super sweet with them. I feel so old, so outdated. Like it had been really long (years to be exact) since I last felt that "OMG its love" feeling and undergo the honeymoon period. TT Being together for years is super boring and un-fresh. So I really don't know how I can ever survive marriage. It's okay to have the same boyf for years BUT its super sucky to have a boyf who treat things like POKER, CCA, and some idiotic FRIENDS more important than yourself. It sucks to have dial the number for times but no answers. It sucks to recieve a sms only after a few hours. It sucks to have no one there for you when you're lonely and sad. It sucks to have friends asking about your boyf and you don't know what to reply. It SUCK THE MOST to have a boyfriend who do not have time to accompany you. And its seriously SUCK like hell to have a boyfriend who is insensitive to your feelings. Yes GohJunRui. This post is seriously dedicated to you. I know we do not have a quarrel or conflict or anything, (maybe because we're too busy to even have time to engage in quarrelling) But i just want you to know how sucky you are as a boyfriend. And I HATE YOU. suck. Tuesday, July 13, 2010 Feel so drained out T.T School is a torture. T.T Did 5stations and 2.4km run today, all in one go. Like totally no breaks in between. I can seriously die. Got As for my 5stations but D for 2.4run T.T Yes i know. I WILL NOT PRETEND TO BE SICK AND SKIP PE LESSONS ANYMORE. Whatever. -.- I think i'm so screwed. like SCREWED. I didn't know the dateline for SGC is last friday and I had not even typed out nor sent to verify. How now? ]: better Monday, July 5, 2010 Its 4am now and I've got school tomorrow. Yes, my screwed bio clock at work again. TT I had already predicted what I'll look like later in school. I've got a mission on hand and I'm damn excited about it! :D I can't wait to make a trip down to daiso! YAYYYY! (: okayyyy. I may seem happy now but its not like my problems are solved, but I had decided to look beyond it. Life is too short for me to grumble about those insignificant things. Yeah, nice as it may sound. But I predict my moodswing will come back again and I'll mumble all the FML, life sucks nonsense. so long people. i really don't know how to lead my life. Sunday, July 4, 2010 I swear this is the toughest and the roughest patch of life that I've been living. I feel like giving up literally every single moment. My relationship ain't working out that perfectly. My friendship is in a mess. Not to mention how poorly I'm faring in my studies. Even I'm falling out with my family. We were once so close. And yes, my body system is screwing up too. My root canal treatment had yet to be completed and I've got another surgery on hand. Seriously, Its really not that I want to be that emo or what, but with all these problems, i really don't know how I can smile and hope that things will be alright cos they obviously wouldn't be. I'm feeling really suffocated now. I don't know how to live my life. And I had never felt this helpless before. I thought I could make it till the end, but i crumbled and fell on my way. I fell so hard. I really don't know what it is that I'm feeling now. It's not sadness. I don't feel that sad. Its like helplessness and a bit of exhaustion. It's really so much easier to sleep through my day than to actually live it. |
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